Trekking In Puncak-Bogor, There are three trekking routes in Puncak Bogor with starting point at Highland campsite, in the western slope of Mount Paseban. The first trekking route to the peak of Puncak Kencana through the peak of Mount Gedogan and the peak of Karvak, and the second trekking route to the destination of Curug 7 Cilember waterfall by passing the slopes of Mount Gedogan. Meanwhile, on the middle lane or the third lane to the northwest, the destination is a destination in Sentul Bogor or Mount Pancar.
The most explored route by beginner trekkers is the route with the aim of Curug 7 Cilember and Puncak Kencana by passing through the tropical rain forest of the lower mountains (submontana) which is overgrown with endemic trees. “On this trekking, nature will become a series of amazing symphonies, where physical activity and emotional unite with nature, forest instruments forming wild life and in the beautiful hope of being able to reach Puncak Kencana or immediately swim in the green water of the waterfall Curug 7 Cilember “. Meanwhile, the middle route or southeast route is intended for experts or beginner trekkers who prefer the challenge of exploration and adventure.
Meanwhile, family category based on special interest tourism for trekking in Puncak Bogor, the route is Highland camp with the destination of Curug Panjang waterfall. This trekking route for the family genre is different from the other three trails. On family trekking, a family will given with river crossing activities, forest trekking on the interpretation track and ending with swimming in Curug Panjang waterfall pool.
+62-811-1200-996In this journey, nature will be a string of amazing symphonies where physical activity and emotional unite with nature, will combine roles, the forest instruments forming wild life in the beautiful hope of being able to reach the Puncak Kencana or swim in the green waters of the waterfalls of Curug 7 Cilember.
– Kiade –
Trekking In Puncak Bogor
Trekking In Puncak Bogor – Highland Camp Curug Panjang which is located on the southwest slope of Mount Paseban, is the entrance for forest trekking, hiking and climbing to the top of Mount Kencana as well as an information center for climbing Mount Kencana from the west side and as a center for trekking activities at Puncak Bogor.
Climbing Mount Kencana from the west lerangan of Mount Paseban by passing the Peak of Mount Gedogan and Puncak Karvak is a trekking route in Puncak Bogor which is widely used by hiking / trekking activists. The climb to the top of Kencana has a duration of 1 day trip so that you return to the starting point of the trip, namely Highland camp with the Peak of Mount Kencana as the final destination or end at the Talaga Warna resort.
The shortest trekking route in Puncak that can be explored by beginner trekkers is Highland Camp Curug Panjang Route to Curug 7 Cilember waterfall by combing the Gedogan and Paseban mountain ridges, while the trekking route for families is an interpretation path that connects the Highland camp with water destinations long Curug Panjang waterfall.
The trekking path in Puncak Bogor is in a sub-montane forest area starting at an altitude of 1000 m above sea level. This zone is above the Pamah forest and below the mountain forest. Tree species that are often and easily found in the sub-mountainous zone, especially in the mountains of Gedogan, Kencana, and Paseban and become characteristic plants include Rasamala (Altingia excelsa), Jamuju (Podocarpus imbricatus), Ki Putri (P. Neriifolius).
Trekking Route In Puncak Bogor
Trekking in Puncak Bogor -The trekking route with starting point on the southwest ridge of Mount Paseban is a protected forest area located north of the Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park (TNGGP). There are seven mountains in this protected area, namely Mount Garungsang with the highest peak of 1,147 masl which is in the northwest of Mount Paseban, Mount Malang (1,392.9 masl) in the north adjacent to Mount Paseban, Mount Pondok Walanda (1,506 masl) and Mount Halimun (1,646 meters above sea level). ,7 masl) which is in the northeast, Mount Gedogan (1,668 masl) and Mount Kencana with its peak at an altitude of 1,803 masl, Mount Kencana is located east of Mount Paseban and to the southeast is Mount Luhur (1,727 masl).
Paseban – Gunung Kencana via Puncak Gedogan
Trekking In Puncak Bogor– The trekking route to the summit of Mount Kencana via the southwest slope of Mount Paseban, the peak of Mount Gedogan and the summit of Karvak is not a climbing route for Mount Kencana with the aim of camping at the summit of Kencana, although trekkers will briefly enjoy the beautiful scenery at the top of Kencana, and even then it is only passed the route . This hiking route from the southwest is used by trekking/hiking activities an adventure tourism activity with a special exotic path.
To reach the summit of Mount Kencana, initially the trekkers will enter the lower mountain forest with mixed vegetation dominated by kiara trees as their stand, and shrubs such as tepus, babanjaran, nampong, Kaliandara and other shrubs at an altitude below 1500 mdpl. On the next trip, many endemic trees will be found as characteristics of tropical lower mountain forests such as huru renyung (Aporosa arborea), kianak / ruing anak or Ki riung anak (Castanopsis acuminatissima), caringin or banyan (Ficus benjamina), pairs (Lithocarpus elegans, L sundaicus), baros (Manglitea Glauca Bi), puspa / exuberant or puspa (Schima wallichii), and other endemic trees that are heavily wrapped by liana tendrils at an altitude of 1500 – 1803 masl. Under the stands of these endemic trees, many types of rattan grow, worm rattan species dominate most of the plants of the Arecaceae family.
The trekking route for the Paseban route to the summit of Mount Kencana by passing the peak of Gedogan and the peak of Karvak is the right path or the southeast route, the star point will start at Highland camp --> Kp. Paseban --> Ciberurem --> Flat corpse --> Peak of Mount Gedogan --> Peak of Karvak and ends at the peak of Kencana. From the peak of Kencana, trekkers who made it to the top of Kencana and descended to the Ciliwung tea plantation, and it was at the tea plantation that the trekkers would be awaited by jeep vehicles to take the trekkers back to the starting point of the trip, namely Highland camp for camping or invited to stay overnight. at the Telaga Warna resort which is not far from the Mount Kencana climbing post from the northeast side.
The trekking path to Mount Kencana by passing Gedogan Peak and Karvak Peak is a special exotic path
Highland – Curug 7 Cilember
Trekking In Puncak Bogor – The shortest path that many beginner trekkers explore is the Paseban route to Curug 7 Cilember, the route takes the starting point of Highland Camp Curug Panjang, then travels to Bungur and then explores the lower mountain forest at the foot of Mount Gedogan, and continues towards Curug 7 Cilember which is located to the southeast of Highland Camp Curug Panjang.
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Pesona Gunung Paseban
Paseban – Sentul via Rawa Gede
Trekking In Puncak Bogor – The middle route is the longest route specifically for expert trekkers, this route has destination points in destinations in the Sentul and Mount Pancar tourist areas. The midpoint route will start from Highland camp to Cibeurem --> Geger embe --> Geger Kuda (peak) --> coffee plantation --> Rawa gede leuweng flat and exit at the tourism area of Sentul or Mount Pancar.
The atmosphere of the trekking path at the beginning of the journey is like the route to the peak of Kencana via the Gedogan peak and Karvak peak, which is in a tropical rain forest with a variety of wild-forming vegetation, but this will be towards the end of the journey which will be faced with many travel characters depending on the destination final destination of the trip.
Some of the track characters that will be traversed by trekkers when they are in the Sentul and Mount Pancar tourist areas are in the form of dirt roads crossed by 4-wheeled vehicles, rocky roads, village roads, even paved or concrete roads.
On this route, the destinations that will become the destination of trekkers also vary, this is adjusted to the trip planning from the beginning, some of the destinations that become trekking / hiking destinations are Cisadon, Bojong Koneng, Mount Pancar, Leuwi Asih, Curug Kencana, Curug Bidadari , Leuwi Hejo, and others.
Highland Camp – Curug Panjang (Family Trekking Route)
Trekking In Puncak Bogor – The trekking route from Highland camp to Curug Panjang is the shortest path devoted to family trekking, this trekking route is different from the three paths listed above. Family trekkers are not limited to walking in the forest, but will be invited to explore the river in a special interest tourist area on the western slope of Mount Paseban.
The family trekkers will explore the path under the thick canopy of stands in the valley of the mountain forest in the special interest tourist area of the southwest slope of Paseban, the complete family will be invited to climb the black rocks along the river that doesn’t have a strong current and climb the cliffs of the waterfall Curug Saimah to reach the top altitude with a view of Mount Salak, then swim in the fresh green Tosca water in the Curug Panjang waterfall pool.
Trekking In Sentul Bogor
Trekking In Sentul – In addition to trekking routes in Puncak Bogor, which mostly pass through tropical forest areas of the lower mountains with the aim of mountain peaks and waterfalls, in the Sentul tourist area there are many trekking routes that are mostly used as tours to destinations in Sentul, Mount Pancar such as waterfalls and more. The following is a sentul trekking route that many beginners and expert trekkers explore.
- Bojong Koneng – Cisadon ; by taking starting point at Bojong Koneng, this is a route with a variety of hiking trails and challenges, namely rocky soil, muddy red dirt roads with left and right are cliffs and valleys, passing through the gardens of local residents until finally entering a remote village located between the hills, that is Cisadon which is the final destination of the journey.
- Gunung Pancar – Leuwi Asih ; This hiking trail can be reached in 1.5 – 2 hours, with the star point at Mount Pancar
- Leuwi Asih – Goa Garunggang – Leuwi Asih ; This route has an estimated travel time of about 2 – 2.5 hours, with the meeting point and finish point in Leuwi Asih.
- Leuwi Asih – Curug Kencana – Leuwi Asih ; Jalur hiking dengan tujuan curug kencana dari leuwi asih memiliki estimasi waktu tempuh 2 – 2.5 jam.
- Eksplor Curug Ciburial; has an estimated travel time of 2 -2.5 hours with the track tends to climb
- Eksplor Leuwi Hejo; The cruising path to Leuwi Hejo has similarities and the distance traveled when exploring Curug Ciburial
- Gunung Pancar – Curug Kencana ;The cruising path of Mount Pancar – Curug Kencana has an estimated travel time of about 3 hours from the meeting point at Mount Pancar.
- Gunung Pancar – Leuwi Asih – Curug Kencana ; This route has an estimated travel time of 3.5 – 4 hours, with a meeting point at Mount Pancar;
- Gunung Pancar – Curug Cinta; This route has an estimated travel time of 3.5 – 4 hours, with a meeting point at Mount Pancar;
- Cisadon – Curug Kencana ; This route has an estimated travel time of 8 hours, with a meeting point at Mount Pancar
- Gunung Pancar – Curug Bidadari ; This route has an estimated travel time of 3.5 hours along the river route, and Mount Pancar as a meeting point.
Some other trekking paths in Sentul that are explored by many trekkers with the aim / destination of waterfalls, camping sites, tourist attractions, and others are:
- Leuwi Hejo – Leuwi Cepet, the distance between 2-3 kilometers.
- Curug Kencana – Curug Love, the distance between 2-3 kilometers.
- Puncak Jungleland, with travel route 2-4 kilometers.
- Hutan Pinus – Bendungan Cilamaya, the distance between 2-4 kilometers.
- Pasir Hayam – Batu Anggrek, with travel route 2-4 kilometers.
- Bukit Ilalang – Curug Leuwi Asih , with travel route 2-4 kilometers.
- Curug Cibengang – Edu Pack Forest, the distance between 2-3 kilometers.
The Difference Between Hiking dan Trekking
Trekking – Recently there has been a refraction of the meaning and understanding of the words trekking and hiking, this is because there has been a refraction because it is influenced by tourism businesses that take the trekking business brand without doing an academic study, including in this case search engines such as Google also contribute in refracting the understanding and meaning of the words trekking and hiking, as well as the writer who wrote “Trekking Puncak Kencana via Mount Paseban” which should in this paper use the word hiking instead of trekking, this is because the writing content is included in the category of hiking instead of trekking.
For more details, the difference between trekking and hiking can be seen from several factors that form it, namely 1. from the route, 2. travel time, 3. based on distance traveled, 4. based on preparation, and many more that differentiate between hiking and trekking.
Based On Explored Route
Trekking – Routes to do hiking activities use official paths or existing trails, trails that have been used before, or paths that have been made specifically for hiking activities. While trekking uses a route by opening a new travel path and there are no directions or resting places. as well as the facilities and infrastructure of the trekking route, which is still in minimal condition to pass. In this case, trekking can be said to be a journey that opens new paths with high risks and challenges. Even though it already has its own path, in hiking there are some risks of obstacles, but the risk of obstacles will be smaller than trekking, therefore trekking requires extra skills in exploring terrain that is barely sloping or flat, sometimes steep and sometimes perpendicular.
Based On Traveling Time
Trekking – The length of time required for hiking is relatively shorter than trekking. In trekking activities, the travel time will be longer than hiking, this is because the terrain taken will be longer and difficult to pass, as well as the time required to pass through the surfaces of the terrain which will take a long time. Meanwhile, hiking can be taken in less than a day’s journey or in the range of 2 hours to 8 hours, while the travel time in trekking will be difficult to predict, it can be a day, up to weeks, even months.
Based On Mileage
Trekking – The distance traveled will be directly proportional to the time. Some hiking trips have a short distance, namely the path that connects one venue/destination to another and it’s less than 40 km, while trekking has a long journey ranging from 40 km to hundreds of kilometers.
Based On Preparation
Trekking – Hiking doesn’t require a lot of equipment to carry on a trip, it’s just enough to bring a set of outdoor activities, trekking poles, water and snacks. Meanwhile, trekking requires a lot of equipment / equipment that is qualified to carry such as tools for a temporary stay or camping equipment, survival kits, travel equipment tailored to the purpose of trekking to excellent physical condition, strong mental preparation, ability navigation, and more.
It can be concluded that trekking has a longer travel path than hiking, in trekking the travel route is in an area that lacks facilities and infrastructure that can be reached for several days or even months and can cross between regions. This is different from hiking, where the journey only connects between destinations to other destinations with the distance of a day’s trip using official paths or those that have been made for hiking.
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Pengertian hiking vs trekking dan tempat trekking di Sentul Bogor
Trekking and Hiking Equipment
Trekking – There is a difference between hiking and trekking equipment, although in principle these two activities are forms of travel in the wild, the hiking equipment that is brought is only equipment to facilitate trips with a day trip duration without bringing overnight equipment, meanwhile for trekking equipment, the equipment brought is in the form of accommodation equipment and even utensils for cooking.
Below is the equipment for hiking activities with a day trip duration (one day trip) which is usually carried by trekking activists, be it beginner or expert trekkers:
Hiking / Trekking Shoes
Trekking or hiking shoes are special shoes designed for climbing. Using trekking or hiking shoes is mandatory when climbing because it can provide safety and comfort in exploring and can help protect the feet when climbing. There are two types based on the condition of the trekking route, namely the light type and the standard type. Light weight shoes are more suitable for short-term trekking, while standard type trekking shoes are designed for use in rough terrain. Standard type shoes are perfect for walking carrying heavy loads for long periods of time. Standard type shoes are usually rigid, sturdy, and high so that their stability is maintained even through damaged terrain.
Types of trekking shoes are divided into three, this is based on the size of the height of the shoe that protects the ankles.
- This type of low cut is called a low cut. This model of shoes does not protect the ankles at all so that the tractor can move more freely and flexibly. low cut shoes are recommended for use by advanced mountaineers.
- The type of height that covers the ankles is called a high cut. This shoe model can optimally protect the ankle from the risk of ankle injury so it is recommended as a shoe model for long trips.
- The type between the two is called the middle cut or mid cut. This shoe model protects the ankles with a medium level of protection, the feet can move more freely because they have a wider movement area.
Trekking pole
Trekking pole is a climbing accessory and is a tool in the form of a stick that can be used by climbers when traveling, especially on new trails. Trekking poles serve to assist pedestrians with their rhythm, provide stability, and reduce stress on joints on rough terrain.
A good trekking pole to use is a lightweight stick made of carbon fiber or aluminum which is strong in nature to withstand loads with a rubber grip so that the hands do not feel slippery due to sweat.
Trekking backpack
Trekking backpacks, which are widely known as backpacks or backpacks, are backpacks with various types such as backpacks, rucksacks, carriers, and daypacks. There are many and varied types of trekking backpacks, but they have different functions. The selection of backpacks for trekking can be adjusted for comfort with the right size to carry a change of clothes, raincoat food and mineral water, hiking gear, first aid and more.
First aid kit
A first aid kit is a box to carry out first aid in trekking accidents such as antiseptic drugs, betadine or the like, gauze, bandages or plasters, general and mild medicines such as eucalyptus oil or the like. In addition to medicines, the kit includes cutting tools such as scissors or a knife, as well as tweezers, and gloves.
Multipurpose Equipment
Multipurpose equipment is equipment that is considered essential and will be used when hiking or trekking such as knives, matches and others, you can also bring a survival kit which is a package of basic tools and equipment prepared as an aid to survive in an emergency.
Change of Clothes and Raincoat
Spare clothing is a change of clothes that is used at any time in an emergency and is needed to change clothes that are being used, while a raincoat is a raincoat for body protection when it rains during trekking.
Food and Drink
A trekker when traveling must maintain his stamina by eating healthy foods consisting of adequate carbohydrates, protein, fat, and fiber, such as chocolate bars, dried fruit, shredded and sausages, nuts and seeds, fresh toti and others. , don’t forget to bring enough mineral water for trekking.
Resume trekking in Puncak Bogor with the aim of Puncak Kencana, Sentul, Mount Pancar and Curug 7 Cilember
Trekking In Puncak Bogor – Unlike the trekking route in Sentul, the trekking route at Puncak emphasizes the exotic side of the lower mountain rain forest with a variety of vegetation forming it in a protected area located to the north of the Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park (TNGGP).
There is an exotic trekking route with the goal of Puncak Kencana passing through the peak of Mount Gedogan and the peak of Karvak, this path is a route for Expert trekkers or beginners who expect a more challenging adventure challenge. Meanwhile, the second trekking route at Puncak to Curug 7 Cilember is for beginners. And on the middle route or heading northwest towards the Sentul tourist area and Mount Pancar it is devoted to expert trekkers. Meanwhile, the trekking route in Puncak for the family category takes the Highland camp route to Curug Panjang.
This entry was tagged in trekking in puncak and hiking in puncak, trekking puncak, hiking puncak, trekking, hiking, trekking sentul, trekking in sentul, hiking sentul, hiking in sentul, adventure, trekking di bogor, hiking in bogor, rute hiking in puncak, rute hiking in sentul, trekking route in sentul, trekking route in puncak, trekking package in sentul, tourist trekking in sentul, open trip trekking sentul.